Content Management

If there is no black band at the head of this window, log in using this button>>

To create a NEW post use the [+ New] tab on the black band.

To DELETE a post go to the dashboard under the [DownTown Brass] tab on the black band, then go to Posts, then Trash the one you want to delete.

This page gives you a way to check and tweak items of user-editable content (technically “Posts”) that already exist.


So what are Posts?

Back in the day when WordPress was invented for bloggers. The blog author would buy a theme to determine his colours and fonts. It would have a homepage – typically “about me” then all the rest of the content was written by the author by uploading plain text and images. Then the theme  would format all that stuff to look consistent to the site visitor.

The front end of the site is what the visitor sees, the author has (limited) access to the back end of the site. The only bit of the back end that the Author will work in is the WordPress editor. Here, it ‘s like they are putting stuff into pigeon holes from behind, and the vistor sees them all as they should be seen – as formatted by the theme for visitors on the front end.

Now we use this system for two types of content:

I call these Type 1 – Public Posts, and Type 2 – FYEO (for your eyes only) Posts

Type 1 – Public Posts
  • The first type is just like those old blogs.: Your Smallprint pages, Offer descriptions, and Forthcoming Gigs are all traditional WordPress Posts.
  • These are indexed by a carousel or a grid or from buttons on the Front Page . . . These Type 1 Posts are visible to Site Visitors.
Type 2 – FYEO (for your eyes only) Posts
  • Now I also use the same “post”  technique to make anything on your homepage user editable. We just create a carousel or a grid that contains an index to some posts.
  • So what we are doing in this second case is making the carousel or grid itself the showcase for the content.
  • I have done this on your Homepage on the hype paragraphs on the top section and also the Youtube videos in the gallery. In either case, the author has to put stuff in the right pigeon holes on the backend and it will come up on the front end of the site all beautifully formatted (or as a playing video) acording to the theme that I have designed. 
  • You can actually see those individual elements as web posts, but the normal site visitor never sees them that way, because all you want them to see is shown on the front end of an otherwise fixed page.
  • So these Type 2 Posts are only visible as themselves FYEO – for your eyes only.

So this CMS page is to help you see what content to put in which pigeon holes for each type of post.

Now the rest of this page talks about . . .

How to edit a Post.

To edit a Post, scroll down to the relevant card on this page and click on the button I have given you. That will lead you to the post as seen by your visitors from the site frontend, then go to [Edit Post] on the black band.

pro tip: when opening a post from this page, right click on the button and open in a new tab. That way this CMS page stays open and you can refer back to it and remind yourself what categories etc you need.

When writing the content of posts, remember  – the best way to format headings and subheadings is by using different levels of the ‘H’ value. The way they look on the front end isn’t reflected by the way they look in the WordPress editor so here is your reference for what you’re getting.

Don’t use H1 at all (it is reserved for the Post title)

H2 Looks like this on the front end. (Main Subtitle in Yellow)

H3 Looks like this (the same only this size)

H4 looks like this (The same as H3 but this colour)

H5 looks like this. (It’s similar to the normal front end text but larger size and all in capitals) and it can be used for subheadings in text areas
H6 – I haven’t defined this so it defaults to normal front end text style

About those pigeonholes

The standard pigeonholes defined by WordPress are

  • Title (text only)
  • Content (can be text and images, you can include bold text, italic and links in the text, but generally use those H2, H3 to format heading and subheads as descibed above) don’t combine bold with ‘H’ values or you get unexpected results. I usually prepare text in Google docs, then copy paste the whole lot in one go, Google doc headings H2, H3 etc will map directly onto the styles I have shown you above.
  • Excerpt (plain text only, use <br> to force linebreaks. It doesn’t recognise carriage returns.)

You need more than that (for example on your Forthcoming Gigs you need the city, the venue, the date and a link for the ‘tickets’ button. So whenever you need more than three text fields, I have made and given you extra . . .

  • Custom Fields (plain text, but you can include links and they work as links. They behave just like the excerpt.) The cards below on this page are really helpful in telling you what to put in each custom field.


Just one more thing. Understanding this is crucial. Each post has a category. These control two things:

  • Where the post appears (eg on which carousel or on which index grid so for example you don’t get Offers mixed up with Forthcoming Gigs on the front page)
  • Which template to use for format of the public visible post, for example your Smallprint uses a different template from your Offers and your Forthcoming Gigs post has special custom fields for Date, City, Tickets and Venue)

Remember that posts appear in places according to categories, so if a post shows up in the wrong place or seems to have disappeared, then that’s almost certainly because the categories are not filled in correctly. It may even not show up on this page at all. Don’t panic. Check what the categories ought to be from the rubric at the head of each section below, then go to the dashboard under the [DownTown Brass] tab on the black band, then Posts. Find the one that seemed to be missing, then Quick edit it and  correct the categories. Refresh this page and all will be good. If it’s not, call me  – but do that check first.

Forthcoming Gigs

These posts are Type 1 – Public described above – meaning that the item on the FrontPage contains a link that will lead site visitors to a post that is visible to the public.

The table of gigs on the homepage will automatically update for new items here. That table will extend itself indefinitely so if you have a hundred dates lined up, you will make a hundred individual posts and the table will be a hundred lines long (actually it will stop at ten and site visitors can then go to the next page.

Post are displayed in chronological order, by Publish date so it’s easiest if you publish the first gigs first and the later ones later. However you can always revise the published date in the WordPress editor (its in the sidebar on the right above the Excerpt} and that will fix any discrepancies in the order of gigs in the table. (If you set the published date in the future then it will hide the post and automatically publish it later, so don’t do that.)

To make new posts, go to [+New] on the black band at the head of this page and create a new Post with Category Forthcoming gig. Use the cards below as your reference for what to put where in the WordPress editor for the new post.

To keep the homepage table relevant you’ll have to hide past gigs because otherwise they will continue to appear there. The easiest way to do this is change the category from ‘Forthcoming Gig‘ to ‘Past Gig‘ They will still be there so you can refer to them, but they won’t be accessible to site visitors nor will they appear in the homepage table.

There must be just one Category and it has to be Forthcoming Gig

Remember – the simplest way to edit this content is to right click on the ‘View the Post’ button on the cards below, to open the Public post in a new tab.

From there you can flick back and forth between the front end and the WP editor on the [edit post] tab on the black band.


ForthComing Gig




These posts also have content – not shown here.


Czekamy na was!

Custom Field: Date


Custom Field: Venue


Custom Field: City


Custom Field: Tickets

copy paste ticket vendor link in this field


ForthComing Gig




These posts also have content – not shown here.


dont forget to add an excerpt!

Custom Field: Date


Custom Field: Venue

Filharmonia Bałtycka

Custom Field: City


Custom Field: Tickets

Archive of Past Gigs

This section will display past gig posts where you have simply changed the category from ‘Forthcoming Gigs‘ to ‘Past Gigs

These posts are still there as Public posts, but site visitors won’t be able to find them.


Past Gig




These posts also have content – not shown here.


And at the very start of our Middle East Tour for 2026 . . .

Custom Field: Date

8 April 2025

Custom Field: Venue

The very Royal Opera House

Custom Field: City


Custom Field: Tickets


Past Gig




These posts also have content – not shown here.


At long last we got a gig in the heart of brassbandland.

Custom Field: Date

18 April 2025

Custom Field: Venue

Preservation Hall

Custom Field: City

New Orleans

Custom Field: Tickets


These posts are Type 1 – Public described above – meaning that the item on the homepage contains a link that will lead site visitors to a post that is visible to the public.

The offers are indexed on the homepage by a carousel which has three cards.  This is a fixed number so if you want to have more than three different offers, please talk to me. Other than that it’s very simple. There is no excerpt and no custom fields, just edit the title and the content as you want and there you go.

There must be just one Category and it has to be Offer

Remember – the simplest way to edit this content is to right click on the ‘View the Post’ button on the cards below, to open the Public post in a new tab.

From there you can flick back and forth between the front end and the WP editor on the [edit post] tab on the black band.



Post Title:

Nothing to see here, just go to see the Public Post and edit title and the content as you want.



Post Title:

Nothing to see here, just go to see the Public Post and edit title and the content as you want.



Post Title:

Nothing to see here, just go to see the Public Post and edit title and the content as you want.


These posts are Type 1 – Public described above – meaning that the item on the homepage contains a link that will lead site visitors to a post that is visible to the public.

The single post in this catergory is reached from a button on your footer (every page)  This means that if you want more new smallprint page(s) (eg for terms of engagement) you’ll need a new button or some other way to get to the additional post(s) – in which case please talk to me.

Other than that, it’s very simple. There is no excerpt and no custom fields, just edit the title and the content as you want and there you go.

There must be just one Category and it has to be Smallprint

Remember – the simplest way to edit this content is to right click on the ‘View the Post’ button on the cards below, to open the Public post in a new tab.

From there you can flick back and forth between the front end and the WP editor on the [edit post] tab on the black band.



Post Title:

Nothing to see here, just go to see the Public Post and edit title and the content as you want.

Hype Text

These are the little bits of hype visible in a scrollbox on the right hand side at the top of the homepage on desktop screen and in a carousel below the contact button near the top of the homepage on mobile.

These posts are Type 2 – FYEO described above – the product is a part of a page of otherwise fixed content. So the visitors see what appears to be a part of the page itself, but all the content is editable by you. And you do that by editing posts that no-one else sees.

There must be exactly three of these posts (if you create more they won’t be seen) and the Main Category is ‘Scrollbox Content” (with subcategories S01, S02 and S03) I advise you not to change any of these categories, just edit the four text fields – title, excerpt, and the two custom fields.

The order of display on the Homepage (and of the cards below) is controlled by the Published Date, which you can edit if you need to. The order on mobile phone version is determined by the subcategory S01, S02 and S03. You can change them if you must, but check carefully on the cards below that you have one and only one of each of those three.

Remember – the simplest way to edit this content is to right click on the ‘View the FYEO Post’ button on the cards below, to open the FYEO post in a new tab.

From there you can flick back and forth between the front end and the WP editor on the [edit post] tab on the black band.


S01Scrollbox Content




Ogromna dawka wyjątkowej energii

Custom Field: Scrollbox Second Title

To grupa, która nie boi się eksperymentować z dźwiękiem

Custom Field: Scrollbox Second Content

Stwarza niezapomniane chwile muzycznej ekstazy


S02Scrollbox Content




Ujmuje publiczność przede wszystkim swoją żywiołowością i bogatym brzmieniem sporego zestawu instrumentów dętych

Custom Field: Scrollbox Second Title

Czekamy na kolejne koncerty!

Custom Field: Scrollbox Second Content

Ich występy to gwarancja świetnej atmosfery, doskonałej jakości dźwięku i niezwykłej charyzmy scenicznej


S03Scrollbox Content




Wyróżniają się pełnym profesjonalizmem i otwartością na potrzeby klienta

Custom Field: Scrollbox Second Title

Współpraca z nimi to czysta przyjemność

Custom Field: Scrollbox Second Content

Dzięki szerokiemu repertuarowi potrafią idealnie dopasować się do charakteru wydarzenia


This is where you can edit the YouTube links to show the movies in your Gallery section.

There is just one post here. It is a Type 2 – FYEO described above – the product is a set of movies on part of a page of otherwise fixed content. So the visitors see what appears to be a part of the page itself, but all the content is editable by you. And you do that by editing posts that no-one else sees.

There is just one of these posts (if you create more they won’t be seen) the Category is ‘Video Content”

The title is not important, but don’t change it. When you want to dispalky new videos, just copy-paste the five links in from YouTube into the five custom fields.

Remember – the simplest way to edit this content is to right click on the ‘View the FYEO Post’ button on the cards below, to open the FYEO post in a new tab.

From there you can flick back and forth between the front end and the WP editor on the [edit post] tab on the black band.


Video Content

Post Title:

Nothing to see here, just go to see the FYEO post and edit the links in the custom fields to get what you want.

Training Resources

Here you can find copies of the PDF and video resources issued from time to time by Trajectory Websites for the upkeep and management of this website.

Content Management Page
lovingly crafted for Downtown Brass
by Trajectory Websites

This CMS is designed for use on desktop – see you there!

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